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Çؼ­ ¾Æ¸¶Á¸¿¡ Ãë¼Ò¸¦ ¿äûÇß½À´Ï´Ù.



³ª : This order cenacel possible?
because I finded another cheaper item.

¾Æ¸¶Á¸: I understand that you would like to cancel the order. 
If the item has not entered the shipping process yet I will help you with canceling the order

¾Æ¸¶Á¸: Upon checking I see that the item has already entered the shipping soon stage 
and we are not able to cancel the order as the item has already entered the shipping soon stage.
And the system is also not allowing me to cancel the order.
However you can refuse the delivery when the item comes for delivery 
and the item would be returned back to us.
Or else you can call the carrier once the item reaches Korea 
and you can request the carrier to stop the delivery for you 

(82) 070-5030-2643 
This is their contact number 




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ECMS ±Û·Î¹ú »çÀÌÆ®·Î µé¾î°©´Ï´Ù.  (http://www.ecmsglobal.com/en/index.html)





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We will return your package to Amazon.

Thank you and hope you have a good day!




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Sorry we can't tell you the exact time for return because Amazon will do pickup till certain volume. 

If they have questions when you call for refund, 

feel free to ask them to make a conference call to us.



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Hi. there.


Previously on chat.


ÀÌÀü äÆà ³»¿ëµé~~~~~~~~~~~


³ª : I think it'll be quicker if you do your own return and refund. Is it possible?

¾Æ¸¶Á¸ : you can reject it on delivery on we can send a request to the carrier to cancel

¾Æ¸¶Á¸ : the shipment is already in transit i have to send a request to the carrier for cancellationand then refund on return as this is a international shipment




¾Æ¸¶Á¸ : okay i will process your refund and get this item cancelled by sending a request

yes i know i have checked the order.

¾Æ¸¶Á¸ : Success Refund issued successfully.


³ª : Then do I have to keep waiting?

Is there any need for me to contact you again? 

Or do you take care of everything?

¾Æ¸¶Á¸ : no it is all taken care of



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