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NewJeans members announce hiatus after court ruling

Girl group NewJeans NJZ responds to reporters questions as they leave the Seoul Central District Court in Seoul on March 7 2024 after attending a hearing on ADOR’s injunction request to prohibit them from engaging in independent activities and signing advertising contracts
Girl group NewJeans, also known as their new name NJZ, responds to reporters' questions as they leave the Seoul Central District Court in Seoul on March 7, 2024. Yonhap
SEOUL, March 24 (AJP) - K-pop girl group NewJeans, now renamed as NJZ, will halt their activities following last Friday's court ruling, which banned them from engaging in independent activities amid a legal dispute with their agency.
"We won't be able to perform for a while, as we have been suspended from our own activities," the quintet said during their concert in Hong Kong last Sunday where they revealed their new song "Pit Stop."
Despite the court's ban, the concert went ahead, as it was arranged prior to the ruling.
Their agency ADOR on Monday expressed regrets over the concert and their "unilateral" announcement of halting their activities indefinitely.
Nevertheless, the agency vowed to remain committed to the girls "under the legally valid contract," adding that it want to "meet with them as soon as possible to resolve misunderstandings and discuss the way forward."
The court earlier ruled in favor of ADOR, banning NewJeans from engaging in independent activities, including signing endorsement deals. The court explained that the agency did not violate key contractual obligations and that the trust between them was not deemed to be "irreconcilably broken."
NewJeans' five members are expected to appeal the court's decision, seeking to annul their contract with ADOR.
In November 2023, NewJeans unilaterally announced their decision to terminate their contract with ADOR, citing the agency's breach of obligations and negligence.
Evelyn Nam Reporter evelyneyahh@ajupress.com

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