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LE SSERAFIM return with new album

LE SSERAFIM performs their new song “HOT” during a media showcase in Gwangjin District Seoul
The members of LE SSERAFIM perform at a showcase in eastern Seoul on March 14, 2025. Yonhap
SEOUL, March 14 (AJP) - K-pop girl band LE SSERAFIM released their new album on Friday.
Their fifth mini-album "HOT" consists of five songs with the theme of love, with the title track delivering a message about diving into what you love without holding back.
The quintet held a showcase for fans the previous day, kicking off their promotional activities for the album.
They will also embark on their first world tour in April, with stops in Japan and Taiwan.
Im Yoon-seo 수습기자 lyseo0330@ajupress.com

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