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G-Dragon to embark on world tour with gig in Goyang next month

Promotional poster for G-Dragons World Tour Concert in Goyang South Korea on Mar 29 and 30 Courtesy of Coupang Play
A promotional poster for G-Dragon's upcoming world tour. Courtesy of Coupang Play
SEOUL, February 12 (AJP) - G-Dragon, a member of K-pop boy band Big Bang, will embark on a world tour with a concert here next month, the concert's organizer Coupang Play said on Wednesday.
The concert, part of his tour, is slated for March 29 and 30 in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, but specific details about his upcoming tour remain under wraps.
Expectations are already building among his fans, as it will be his first solo concert since his world tour in 2017, when he drew over 650,000 fans worldwide.
The rapper is expected to perform a repertoire of his latest songs such as "Power" and "Home Sweet Home," along with new tracks from his third full-length album "Übermensch" slated for release later this month.
"Übermensch" means a person with superhuman abilities in German. He appeared to be inspired by a concept from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who developed the idea of individuals who transcend conventional morality and create their own values.
Tickets for the concert will be available for booking through Coupang Play starting Feb. 26.
Evelyn Nam Reporter evelyneyahh@ajunews.com

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