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ź, Ⱦ 1210


Initiation of high-intensity physical activity at unaccustomed intensity or duration, particularly under heat stress, increases the risk of exertional rhabdomyolysis.1 A potentially serious condition, exertional rhabdomyolysis requires vigilance for early diagnosis and aggressive treatment to prevent severe consequences.
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In 2023, there were 529 cases of rhabdomyolysis likely associated with physical exertion or heat stress (i.e., exertional rhabdomyolysis), with 41.6% (n=220) resulting in hospitalization (Table 2). Consistent with prior annual reports, crude incidence rates remained highest among men, those younger than 20 years old, non-Hispanic Black service members, Marine Corps or Army members, and those in other and combat-specific occupations. Recruits continued to present the highest rates of exertional rhabdomyolysis in 2023, at a rate of over 12 times greater than officers and other enlisted service members.
2023⿡ 529 Ⱦ ߻ 41.6% Կġ. 
غ밡 10 85~100, 10 45~60 ߻, δϼ Ⱦ ٰ. ر,   Ⱦ ߻ .
׸  'ź' 屳 Ϲݺ纸 Ⱦ ߺ 12 . 



 غ밡 ߺ , ״. , ر ߻ .


The risk of exertional rhabdomyolysis can be reduced through prompt recognition of its symptoms by commanders, informed by awareness of environmental conditions, cognizance of troop fitness levels, emphasis on graded, individual preconditioning prior to more strenuous training, and adherence to recommended work and rest ratios featuring appropriate hydration schedules, especially in hot, humid weather.
ְ Ⱦ ż ؾ ϰ κ Ʒ ؾϰ, Ư .
츮 50̴ϱ Ϳ ٰؼ  ų 300~500 'Ⱦ' ɸ.
װ Ʒ̴ , ɸٵ 𸣰 Ѿ°.
õ ̱ 20 Ⱦ 輺 ˸ ų ߰߳.
Ⱦ 輺 ְ鿡Ե ö Ű.  ܻ ̻ص ٷ Ѵٰ.  
Ⱦ Կġ ޴ ̱ ų 300 .
Ư  , Ͽ Ż ϰ ƷýŰ ȵȴ. Ż 90 Ʒÿ Ⱦ ߻ ް .
󶼸 ص ź .  ڴġ 𸦱
ź 40km ౺ ٿµ.
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