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The seller unfairly terminated Dispute with duplicate invoices without sending the product.

Order ID: A / Order ID: B Two items are registered with the same invoice, but only one product has actually arrived.

The seller falsely terminated Dispute without sending the product.

As you can see from the link's two photos and video, only a pair of shoes were packaged in the wrapping paper. Never two pairs of shoes.

As you can see from the size of the wrapping paper, two pairs of shoes are never allowed.

The seller pretended to send 2 products with 1 invoice, but as you can see from the link, only 1 product actually came.






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The seller unfairly terminated DISPUTE with a different order invoice number.

Invoice Number: C is an invalid invoice number for this order.

This invoice number is Order ID: B The invoice number used for the order.

Order ID: A / Order ID: B Both have the same invoice number.

I will send photos and videos as evidence.

As you can see from the evidence, the packaging can only contain one pair of shoes.


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